Home Instead Senior Care

By M. Chris Wolf, PH.D.

Home Instead Senior Care can be an excellent alternative to putting your loved one away in a home for older people. The Home Instead caregivers have been helping the families of patients with many illnesses, such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia and many other problems that face a growing senior citizen community.

The Home Instead Senior Care professionals offer a large array of services for your family member. Some of the many services include:

  • Non-Medical Home Care: This service is for those that may just want their loved one to have a little extra care during the times that they cannot be with them. These patients do not need medication, just extra attention. These caregivers can help with tasks that the patient may not be able to perform alone, such as eating, running errands or doing laundry.
  • Alzheimer's Disease Care: For a patient with Alzheimer's disease, moving them to an unfamiliar location with a large amount of unfamiliar faces can actually do far more harm than good for the patient. Keeping them in surroundings where they are familiar with things in a certain location seems to help these patients. Home Instead caregivers help the patient by keeping the environment safe, providing meals and overseeing daily activities.
  • Respite Care: There are times when caregivers need to take a break. Sometimes the caregiver may need to go to an appointment or just have some time to rest. This care can be provided in whatever length of time the caregiver needs. Overnight care can be provided, as well.
  • Transportation for Senior Citizens: This service is more than drop-off and pick-up transportation to appointments or other places. The transportation services can help the patient get dressed and will stay with them at the appointment or other visiting place. If the senior needs to go to grocery store, the transportation service provider will not only take them to the grocery store, but they will help them get dressed and ready before the store, help them get the groceries at the store and help them put the groceries away once they return home.

The Home Instead Senior Care services can help put a caregiver's mind at ease when they need to take care of themselves or their own families. Being responsible for the well-being of another person is a very respectable and difficult job, but knowing that there are people out there that can help can make the job that much easier and reduce caregiver stress.

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